Cheese is a natural product, so it is very important that you store it properly. As you surely want to enjoy the delicious cheese you just bought for as long as possible, we’d like to make sure that you do. So what are the dos and don’ts when it comes to storing cheese? Read the rest of this article to find out!
Cheese wrapper or cheese box
The best material in which to keep cheese fresh is cheese wrapping paper or a cheese box (e.g., a Tupperware box). Whatever option you use, the main thing is to store the cheese as airtight as possible, so wrapping the cheese in a special wrapper is best. This keeps your cheese most malleable. Cheese wrappers contain a layer of cling film that prevent the cheese from drying out.
What is the best temperature to store cheese?
Storing cheese at the right temperature is crucial. And this varies per type of cheese. Gouda cheeses are best stored at a temperature between 8 to 15 degrees. Take the cheese out of the fridge half an hour before you eat it to enjoy its optimal taste. The optimal temperature for foreign cheeses, such as soft cheeses, blue cheeses, or fresh cheeses, is between 5 to 8 degrees – for example, in the vegetable drawer of your fridge.
How long can you store cheese?
After opening the packaging, Gouda cheeses can be kept fresh in your fridge for around 3 weeks. Vacuumed cheeses can be stored for up to 4 months. You can even keep such cheeses in the freezer for up to 8 months, although we don’t recommend it as they will lose much of their taste.
Soft cheeses like Brie, Camembert, or other soft-textured foreign cheeses, can be kept in the fridge, and in their packaging, for 1 or 2 weeks. We also advise against freezing such cheeses.
Should Gouda cheeses grow some mould, you can cut off a good layer (at least 1 centimetre/0.4 inch) and still enjoy the rest of the cheese.
Tip against pungent smells
Cheese can give off a rather pungent, penetrating smell in your fridge. Use this tip to get rid of the smell: put a container with some vinegar, salt, or coffee grounds in your fridge and the strong cheesy smell will soon disappear!